Today I learned 1. there are 7 continents and 5 oceans 2. there are 14 major plates and 38 mior plates 3. the largest plates are the Antarctic Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the North American Plate. 4. tectonic plates move about as fast as your fingernails grow — 5 to 10 centimeters per year. 5. the continents and the oceans rest on tectonic plates, which float on the mantle.
I want to know do oceanic plates always move from left to right.
Hell, I have found two more sights for you all and the last one is of tctonic plates doing the different ways we have written about today...
Hi Guys, this is a cool website you can actually see how the tectonic plates start to move away from each other as a volcano starts to erupting I will keep looking this is fun... Jake
Here is my labelled diagram and the plasticene model of the layers of the earth.
In the hard boiled egg experiment I cracked the shell and I pushed, pulled and slid the pieces of shell to get an idea of the earth's plate movement. I ate the egg before I remembered I had to cut it in half and photograph it. It would have looked like my plasticene model I think.
I have learnt that mountain ranges like the Himalayas are made when the plates shift and push one up above the other. Seismic waves (energy) travel up and through the crust and they cause most of the damage in an earthquake.
this graph caught my eye it, today i learn t about the mercalli scale, how the scientist use it , what it records when the earthquakes hits.. this is very interesting
I thought this was fascinating! This is a map of all the earthquakes from the last 8 to 30 days (this map doesn't include any earthquakes from the last week).
Here is my title page for my science Journal I would like to share with you all.
I did this using the computer .....they're are some great pictures on the computer in clip art ...have a look.
What I want to learn about earthquakes •What causes earthquakes? •Is there a connection between earthquakes and volcanoes? •Why are there places that don’t have earthquakes?
This is my city called Hulimera a Earthquake hit the city and made terrible destruction. I have drawn the 4 stages of a earthquake and what I understand can happen. I have mention under each picture what is going on. Hope you all like my drawings Jake
This picture was taken in Cristchurch and it is an example of how much the ground can move during an earthquake.
This Earthquake is in western Saudi Arabia
This Earthquake picture is awesome you can see the damage it has done to the hill...also can you see the size of the hole compared to the man if feel that this would have been a huge earthquake
have a look at the web address below it was interesting to read peoples thoughts.
HI Here is a site and some images. from Cameron